Australia is famous for its hundreds of Big Things and roadside attractions, but you won’t find any as un-beak-lievable as these! From the Big Pelican to the Big Penguin, if it squawks it’s in here!

Chinute Chinute the Big Owl, Darwin, Northern Territory

Big Things - Chinute Chinute

Without feather ado, I’d like to in-duck-t this oversized owl – and I’m talon you, be prepared to fowl in love! Say hello to Chinute Chinute, who’s so nice they named her twice! She’s 1.8 metres tall, lives in front of the Northern Territory Supreme Court, and is a real hoot to hang out with!

Read all about Chinute Chinute!

Stanley the Emu, Lightning Ridge, New South Wales

Stanley the Emu - Big Things of Australia

Everybody’s heard about this bird, which isn’t surprising because Stanley’s 18 metres tall and one of the nest-looking Big Things around. Yes, he’s aviary nice chap indeed!

The elegant emu was lovingly crafted by local artist John Murray out of old VW Beetle bonnets and doors. This gem took up residence on the outskirts of the opal-mining village of Lightning Ridge in 2013, but he was o-Ridge-inally destined, quite appropriately, for Birdsville.

Find out feather Stanley’s worth visiting!

The Big Kookaburra, Kurri Kurri, New South Wales

Big Things of Australia - the Big Kookaburra

You need to ‘Kurri’ along and see this winged wonder, and that’s no laughing matter!

The king-sized kingfisher landed in 2009, stands a regal 4.5-metres tall, and was built to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the nearby Hydro Aluminium smelter. As you can see from the photos, he’s absolutely beautiful, and local artist Chris Fussel obviously put a lot of love and care into his work.

Flock over here for the full story!

Pete the Big Pelican, Noosaville, Queensland

Next time you spread your wings and visit the Big hotspot of the Sunshine Coast, make a splash landing in the seaside resort town of Noosaville, home of the Big Pelican! The overgrown chicken – known to his legion of admirers as Pete – boasts an un-beak-lievable backstory – after all, how many other Big Things have spent time at the bottom of the ocean?

Why did Pete spend time submerged in the sea? Find out here!

The Big Chook, Mount Vernon, New South Wales

The Big Chook - Mount Vernon

What’s chookin’, good lookin’? This king-sized cockerel is worth crowing about, and you’ll have egg on your face if you don’t chick him out! It’s not possible to cuddle the ravishing rooster because he’s behind a chicken-wire fence, but he’s available a happy snap. Just look at the two of us strutting around together, we really are poultry in motion!

Cluck right here to read more about the Big Chook!

The Big Penguin, Penguin, Tasmania

The Big Penguin - Australian Big Things

This 3.15m-tall Taswegian is very cool indeed, and represents everything good and wondrous about Australia’s Big Things. He’s beautifully crafted, represents his region well, and demands to have his photo taken. Visitors can’t help but feel good around him – he’s a true national treasure!

Waddle over here for more information!


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