Tag: Big Bird

  • Big Bird, Blackpool, England

    Big Bird, Blackpool, England

    They smell funny, strut around with their chests puffed out looking for fights, and love to eat rubbish they find on the ground. But enough about the good people of Blackpool, we’re here to talk about pigeons.

    Of course I’m kidding; Blackpudlians are warm-hearted, perspicacious people (and I don’t want to get glassed next time I’m in town for a drag show!).

    Standing 3.5 metres tall and weighing more than a tonne, Big Bird was built by MDM Props in Greenwich, London. The carcasses of 10 taxis were torn apart to create her womanly wings, sensual scapularc and melon-heavy breast. Oh, Big Bird, I’ve got a Taxi Cab Confession – you’re beautiful!

    Modelled after the Trafalgar Square Pigeon – the second-least-diseased species of flying rodent – Big Bird first appeared outside the Museum of London a few years back. I certainly hope there was a good fish ‘n’ chip shop nearby!

    Big Bird has since flown the length and breadth of the UK, bringing joy to lives of all who bear witness to her metallic grandeur. But, as she’s not nailed down, I hope the local tough guys don’t try to pinch-eon her during the night!

    To sum things up, I like Big Birds an’ I cannot lie!