Tag: Keswick

  • Kong, Keswick, England

    Kong, Keswick, Lake District, England, United Kingdom

    The prophet, Bigs Bardot said: “And lo, the beast looked upon the streets of Keswick. And it stayed its hand from killing. And from that day, it was as one dead.” – Old Land of the Bigs Proverb

    A big, black, hairy guy has moved into the picturesque village of Keswick – and the locals just love him! Kong, a four-metre-tall gorilla with a cheeky grin and dark, chocolatey eyes, has found work as a bouncer at the appropriately-named outside Kong Adventure on Heads Road.

    Just a warning – he doesn’t tolerate any monkey business!

    He might look like a hirsute hard man, but Kong is a real softy. He enjoys painting his nails a variety of festive colours, and lights up the hamlet with his flamboyant hi-vis jacket. Kong’s certainly no chimping violet!

    Drag your knuckles inside Kong Adventure for a king-sized good time. On any gibbon Sunday, you’ll find the place crawling with thrillseekers.

    There’s plethora of rock climbing walls – they must have seven or ape of them – catering to all skill levels. Yes, there’s something for everyone, whether you’re a woman or a mandrill.

    There’s also an escape room and a playground for the kiddies, complete with a rope bridge and a scary dragon to climb on. I poked my head in there, but it looked like gorilla warfare to me – teehee!

    It’s on like King Kong!

    Despite his burly frame and sinewy, simian musculature, Kong doesn’t avail himself of the climbing apparatus. It brings back memories of a traumatic event that occurred at top of the Empire State Building a few years ago.

    More than anything, Kong just wants to find love. Each Valentine’s Day he stands, longingly, at the shop’s entrance, brandishing a love heart in the hope a woman will stop for quick smooch. But he hasn’t found that special someone yet. I guess there aren’t too many giant baboons in Keswick.

    Kong knows better than anyone that rock climbing is easier if you’ve got big hands, so it’s lucky that Entrust, fifteen-foot pair of paws, are just a few minutes walk away. You’ve gotta hand it to the people of Cumbria, they just love their Bigs!

    All this excitement is good for your appetite, so it’s lucky Kong Adventure boasts an on-site cafe, serving a scrumptious array of drinks and snacks. Give the banana cake a miss, though, or Kong might come for it!

    As I was admiring the facility, a friendly chap wearing neon armwarmers and a name-plate bearing the moniker Garrick trotted up to me.
    “Hi, I’m Garrick,” said Garrick. “Can I interest you in our all-day river rafting adventure?”
    “Sorry, Garrick,” I replied. “I’m here for a good time, not a Kong time!”
    “Oh, Bigs,” Garrick smirked, “you can’t go Kong with a giant monkey joke!”

    Garrick stared at me. I stared at Garrick. An awkward pause lingered in the air and it seemed, for a moment, that I may shuffle into the sun-dappled Keswick afternoon without another word being uttered.

    Then, in perfect synchronicity, we both drew breath before bursting into melody.

    “Yoouuuu shook me aaalllllllll night Kong!”

  • Entrust, Keswick, England

    Entrust, Keswick, Lake District, England, United Kingdom

    Bubbling brooks blooming with brown trout. Mountain pathways, heavy with primrose, enticing the curious towards vantage points high above mist-filled valleys. Ancient villages, swarming with plump-cheeked villagers, beckoning wandering souls with a swarthy assortment of relishes, chutneys, and hand-knitted goods at reasonable prices.

    The Lake District of Northwest England is one of the most spectacular settings on Earth, and provides the perfect backdrop for a weekend away with a loved one, sipping succulent coffee and creating lifelong memories.

    But who really cares about any of that – we’re here for the Big Things!

    Entrust, a giant set of hands carved out of wood, can be found a few kilometres south of Keswick. They were created by local lad John Merrill, and installed by the embankment of picturesque Derwentwater in 2002.

    “I made this sculpture to mark the centenary of Brandelhow Park,” John told a clearly-excited reporter, who really seemed to have her finger on the pulse. “We carved this about about a quarter of a mile down the lakeshore. It’s just such a surprise in this location. It’s a little bit surreal – a little bit Alice in Wonderland.”

    Well, John, I did feel a bit like Tweedlethumb whilst laying abreast your creation!

    “It’s exciting,” John continued, whilst gesticulating dramatically, “to see how something you’ve made carries on in an ongoing legacy.”

    Babe, that’s exactly how I feel about Land of the Bigs!

    John’s had the whole world in his hands

    Whilst many Bigs are designed to be venerated from a safe and respectable distance, John is more than slappy for Entrust to be a hands-on exhibit.

    “What I find interesting is that as soon as people see them, then what they’ve got to do is climb into them and sit inside them,” he explained in his ever-punchy baritone. “I’ve seen dogs sat in there! It becomes really special for that reason.”

    Well, if it’s good enough for a puppy, it’s good enough for the inimitable Bigs Bardot!

    Thumb-fortunately, Endure has been palmed off to an overgrown corner of the park and can be hard to find, but if you knuckle down I’m sure you’ll nail its location. If, however, you’re looking for a Big in downtown Keswick, the hand-some Kong can be found in Heads Road. He might even give you a high-five when you show up!

    Teehee, I’m not sure if I got every hand-related pun in there, but I made a good fist of it!