Tag: Maitland

  • The Big UGG Boots, Thornton, NSW

    The Big Ugg Boots, Thornton, New South Wales, Australia

    These boots are made for walkin’, and that’s just what they’ll do, one of these days these boots are gonna be in a photo with you!

    The Big Ugg Boots swaggered into town back in April 2015, and being so close to the Pacific Highway means they’re the perfect place to kick up your heels on a journey north or south. Weighing in at 600kg each and made from fibreglass and steel, they’re a step up from your usual shoes.

    They’re tough, too – less than 24 hours after their grand unveiling, a cyclone raged through the Hunter Valley, but the stupendous slippers weathered the storm. 

    Every so often, the owners invite local artists along to give the Uggies a new coat of paint. As you can see, they feet-ure a festive paintjob at the moment, and the artist obviously injected a lot of sole into decorating this Big.

    The adjoining Mortels Sheepskin Factory has a small number of Big Uggies nik naks, and a huge range of woollen goodies so don’t be sheepish – pop in and have a look! The checkout chick was particularly friendly and helpful when I dropped by, which helped make for a splendid day out at this very new Big Thing.

    Shoe strings and Big Things

    Being so close to the Big Kookaburra at Kurri Kurri and Ossie the Mossie at Hexham means that the Hunter is fast becoming a new hot spot for Big Things, and makes a perfect trip for anyone who admires larger than life roadside attractions. If you’re looking for a scruffier, yet slightly more historic shoe to worship, there’s the Big Shoe in Victoria.

    If you’re a tough guy, maybe the Big Doc Martens are more your style. Prefer your booties to have wheelies? Don’t be ashamed! Just head to the Big Roller Skate! Oh, and if you ever find yourself in Guatemala – and, let’s face it, most people will at some point, make sure you trot along to La Bota Gigante.

    You don’t need to have a foot fetish to visit these colossal clogs, so you’ll be kicking yourself if you miss them!