Tag: Fremont

  • The Fremont Troll, Fremont, Washington

    The Fremont Troll, Fremont, Washington, United States of America

    Once upon a time there were three Biggie Goats Gruff, who lived inside a giant pineapple in the magical Kingdom of Australia. There was a handsome Biggy Goat Gruff, an even handsomer Biggie Goat Gruff, and a third Biggie Goat Gruff who was so super handsome that women – and even some of the more emotionally-resilient men – would weep at his feet as he swaggered past.

    This trio of Biggie Goats set out on an incredible adventure through the badlands of the United States, on a quest to track down roadside attractions of unimaginable size. They were amazed by a monumental marlin in Hawai’i. Encountered a colossal crab in San Francisco. The Goats even enjoyed a torrid bromance with a ruggedly delicious lumberjack in a back alley in northern Portland.

    After months of daring exploits, the three Biggie Goats Gruff found themselves in the gleaming emerald city of Seattle. Wanting to meet their good chum, LGBTQI+ icon Vladimir Lenin in the whimsical village of Fremont, the Goats stood before the rickety old George Washington Memorial Bridge.

    The untamed Lake Union churned and turned beneath them and, finally, the handsome Biggie Goat stepped cautiously onto the span. He’d taken but 73 steps when the bridge began to rattle and roll, and a terrifying voice rang out throughout the hills and valleys of the evergreen Pacific Northwest.

    “Who’s that trying to cross my bridge?” the voice slurped. The handsome Biggie Goat Gruff peered over the edge to see an enormous, one-eyed goblin. By the Biggie Goat’s estimation he stood 18 ft (5.5 m) high, weighed 13,000 lb (5,900 kg), and was made of steel rebar, wire, and concrete.

    “It’s just me, the ever-handsome Biggie Goat Bardot, Australia’s foremost expert on Big Things and associated oversized roadside attractions,” the dashing chap replied confidently.

    “Hi Bigs, I’m the Fremont Troll,” beamed the beast, giving the Biggie Goat a fist bump. “I was sculpted by four talented local artists: Steve Badanes, Will Martin, Donna Walter, and Ross Whitehead. By the way, I adore your website and your quirky, individual fashion sense. Please, go ahead to Fremont and enjoy the plethora of unique exhibits. Make sure to say hi to The Undaunted Spirit for me, and remind him that we’re playing gin rummy on Thursday.”

    “Shouldn’t you be playing bridge?”

    “Oh, Bigs, you’re a delight!”

    And so, with a spring in his step, the handsome Biggie Goat Gruff crossed the George Washington Bridge to enjoy the sights and sounds of exotic Fremont.

    Trollin’ With The Homies

    Seeing the handsome Biggie Goat Gruff frollicking through Fremont, the even handsomer Biggie Goat Gruff worked up the courage to cross the George Washington Memorial Bridge. With a cocksure swagger, he’d taken but 74 super masculine steps when a cacophony rang throughout the crisp afternoon.

    “Who’s that trying to cross my bridge?” something mysterious growled. The handsomer took a gander over the edge to see a beast of unimaginable size and strength. In his hand was a genuine VW Beetle, which may or may not have been plucked from atop the bridge. What the Biggie Goat didn’t see was a time capsule, which he guessed had been stolen at some point in the past.

    “It’s just me, the even handsomer Biggie Goat Bardot, Australia’s foremost expert on Big Things and national poodle grooming champion for the past three years,” the Biggie Goat replied charismatically.

    “Hola Bigs, I’m the Fremont Troll,” chuckled the creature, giving the Biggie Goat the sort of elbow tap that hasn’t been seen since the early days of that Covid epidemic. “I’ve been the beating heart of the Fremont cultural movement since 1990, when the local Arts Council held a competition to rehabilitate the area under this very bridge.

    “Because it had become overrun by drug addicts, prostitutes and other ne’er-do-wells?”

    “Exactly, Bigs. You’re not addicted to anything, are you?”

    “I’m only addicted to your kisses, my dear Troll.”

    And so, with the daintiness of a Bulgarian gymnast, the handsomer Biggie Goat Gruff traversed the George Washington Bridge to revel in the glitz and glamour of fascinating Fremont.

    It’s A Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna See the Troll)

    With both of his amigos ensconced in the comforting bosom of the bohemian wonderland of Fremont, the handsomest of the Biggie Goats plucked up the fortitude to negotiate the George Washington Memorial Bridge.

    With a grace belying his robust physique, he’d taken but 75 cat-like steps when the peaceful evening was shattered by enraged yodelling from the depths below.

    “Who’s that trying to cross my bridge?” squirted the unseen ogre. The handsomest of the Biggie Goats adjusted his custom-made, prescription Havaianas sunglasses and peeked over the edge of the bridge to see a mythical creature with a gleaming eye and a smile that could melt the coldest heart. The Biggie Goat was hardly surprised by his appearance, as Trolls have been a large part of the local culture for almost a century.

    “It’s just me, the handsomest Biggie Goat Bardot, Australia’s foremost expert on Big Things and former backup dancer for, and confidante of, music darling Guy Sebastian,” the Biggie Goat replied chaotically.

    “Asalaam alaikum, Bigs, I’m the Fremont Troll,” came the cheery response. “Apologies for my egregious display of toxic masculinity, but I’ve been vandalised many times over the past three decades, and so have to be on my guard against delinquents, thugs and hooligans.”

    “But can’t you just eat them, Fremont Troll?”

    “Aw, shucks, no. I’m dating a yoga instructor and she’s got me on a vegan diet. I was sceptical at first, but the taste, texture and nutritional value of plant-based meat replacements have improved dramatically in the last few years, and I’m actually feeling healthier and happier than I have in years.”

    “Fremont Troll, I’m not your yoga instructor girlfriend. You can be honest with me.”

    “I ate three Korean tourists for breakfast!”

    And with that, the handsomest of the Biggie Goats Gruff took the Fremont Troll by his enormous concrete hand, and they skipped across to bustling Fremont. There they enjoyed an assortment of craft beers and poke bowls with the other Goats and all the giant roadside attractions, including Vladimir Lenin, who looked exquisite in a  corset and fishnet stockings.

    And they all lived Biggily ever after…

  • The Undaunted Spirit, Fremont, Washington

    The Undaunted Spirit, Brown Bear Car Wash, Fremont, Washington, United States of America

    Are you teddy for a good time? Then track down this snout-standing bronze bear, who is paws-ibly the hairiest, scariest, most delicious chap in Seattle. Trust me, you’ll fang me for it later!

    Known as The Undaunted Spirit, the giant grizzly can be found outside the un-bear-lievably bargain-priced Brown Bear Car Wash. They boast centres across the hiber-nation, most with ultra-sized ursidaes out the front. I guess they just like panda-ing to bear lovers.

    This ferocious fourteen-footer was created by local artist, horseman and naturist naturalist Lorenzo Ghiglieri. He fell in love with the rugged Washington landscape decades ago, and dedicated his life to recreating it through his art – often working bearfoot.

    Never bear us apart!

    This cute little cub has been on the lookout for a big, strong, handsome bear to growl old with. Upon meeting The Undaunted Spirit, I threw restraint out the window to bear my very soul to him. Sadly, despite being un-bear-ably handsome, this hirsute hunk can also be a little aloof, and rebuffed my advances. I guess he might be a bi-polar bear.

    My visit to the Brown Bear wasn’t a complete waste, however. Not having a car to wash due to an international driving ban that American authorities take surprisingly seriously, I strolled through for a much-needed shower after weeks of wandering the highways of the United States.

    Yes, I ended up with industrial strength bleach in my eyes and the bristles left several serious lacerations on my face and thorax that may never heal, but it was nice to chat with people afterwards without them wincing at my musky stench.

    Fremont really does have an An em-bear-assment of riches when it comes to Big Things. The Undaunted Spirit isn’t fur from the tendentious Lenin statue, and the Fremont Troll is also claws by. It seems like every street offers a kodiak moment!

  • Lenin Statue, Fremont, Washington

    Lenin Statue, Fremont, Seattle, Washington, United States of America

    Vladimir Lenin was responsible for the brutal slaughter of five million people, but this tribute to the deranged dictator is plenty of fun to take photos with, so I’m sure we can all look past that!

    Yes, it’s unusual – although far from unheard of – to find a massive recreation of a cold-hearted killer, and the story of how he arrived in the liberal enclave of Fremont is absolutely bonkers. Honestly, if the real ‘Lenny’ turned up on The Masked Singer to perform a surprisingly spritzy rendition of We Don’t Talk About Bruno whilst dressed as a crab, it would be less odd than what’s already happened.

    The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia (which was apparently a lot less fun than it sounds) commissioned the statue for $US210,000 in 1981, to be displayed in the grim city of Poprad as a warning to anyone flirting with the twin ideas of democracy and decent living standards.

    Slovak artist Emil Venkov took more than seven years to complete his work – just in time for the fall of the republic, at which point Lenny was toppled by enraged locals and dragged through the streets. Hope you got paid up front, Emil!

    “The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation”

    Vladimir Lenin, Draft and Explanation of a Programme for the Social-Democratic Party

    Coming to America

    A quirky American named Lew Carpenter (no relation to the much-loved Neighbours character) found the statue in a Czech scrapyard sometime later, and was shocked but impressed to discover a homeless chap living inside. Lew grabbed a big stick and whacked the statue a few times and – rychle! – no more homeless chap.

    Hopefully the hobo landed on his shoeless feet, because it’s so hard to find a good vanquished leader to live inside these days.

    Lew Carpenter had grand plans to take the statue back to his hometown of Issaquah, Washington, to lure customers into his struggling ethnic restaurant, Crazy Lew’s Slav Shack. Sure, it would’ve been easier to offer two-for-one borscht on Tuesdays, but where’s the fun in that?

    After years of legal wrangling, he finally received the go-ahead to transport the much-feared dictator to the Land of the Free. At a cost of $US80,000, Lenny was sliced into three pieces and shipped off via Rotterdam. Who knows why he had to stop off in The Netherlands; maybe Lenny just wanted one more reign of terror in Europe before heading into retirement.

    Lew and Len, tragically,  would never embrace again, with the rambunctious restaurateur driving his car off a cliff whilst practising his speech for the statue’s unveiling. Make that five million and one deaths for ol’ Vlad!

    Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted

    Vladimir Lenin, ​​What the Friends of the People Are and How They Fight the Social-Democrats

    Yankee Doodle Lenny

    With the good people of Issaquah voting to ban the giant hate symbol from their town, Lew’s relatives decided to melt down the statue and have it resurrected as something more palatable. They didn’t, however, count on the owner of the foundry being a student of Marxist theory and a lifelong admirer of Vladimir Lenin.

    Peter Bevis (don’t ask him where Butthead is!) refused to recreate the ending of Terminator 2: Judgment Day by dropping Lenny into a fiery pit of molten magma. He instead bothered the Fremont Chamber of Commerce into agreeing to put the statue on display until someone bought him. So now Vladimir Lenin hangs around outside a taco shop, engaging in illuminating conversation with the stoners who turn up at 2am.

    With a bargain price of just $250,000, it’s a surprise nobody’s snapped Lenny up, considering the price of real estate in Seattle. You couldn’t even get a two-bedroom Leon Trotsky for that price!

    “There she was just a-walkin’ down the street, singin’ ‘Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do’. Snappin’ her fingers and shufflin’ her feet, singin’ ‘Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do’”

    Vladimir Lenin, Once Again On The Trade Unions, The Current Situation and the Mistakes of Trotsky and Buhkarin

    Vladimir Lenin: Gay Icon

    In statue form, as in life, Lenny has proven to be a divisive figure. There are those who claim a statue of a deranged child murderer who brought widespread misery and mayhem has no place in a loving and accepting town such as Fremont.

    Like their Czech cousins, they want to tear poor ol’ Len to pieces and drag him through the streets. Those people haven’t seen the kinder side of Mr Lenin, who is often seen sporting reindeer antlers, clown facepaint and flags of the local sporting franchises.

    Lenny isn’t afraid to exhibit his feminine side by dressing in drag, and has been seen with an oversized penis protruding from his pants. If one of the most bloodthirsty demagogues the world has ever known can show his softer side, to lay himself bare to judgement, to become a beacon of hope in the LGBTQI+ community, maybe there’s hope for the rest of us.

    After a wide-ranging conversation that covered everything from the Bolshevik Revolution to the disappointing Queer Eye revival, Vladimir Lenin and I sat silently in the brooding Seattle evening. The last bus back to my hostel had long since left. The taco shop was slopping out its last scoop of guac. I yawned, Lenny yawned, and he peered down at me as if to say, “Go on. If a homeless man can sleep inside me, so can you.”

    And that’s how I spent a surprisingly comfortable night inside Fremont’s divisive Vladimir Lenin statue.